Communion Revival - An Encounter With Jesus. Power Up Ministries
Communion Revival - An Encounter With Jesus. Power Up Ministries

Love March 88 - History

In January 1988, I called our church to a 10-day time of prayer and fasting. During that time, I had a vision of a large march in Indianapolis.

This is the original written vision which came to pass on July 30, 1988.

I saw a large number of Christians gathering in downtown Indianapolis. This large group then marched to Monument Circle, which is the heart of the city. Leading the march was a group of trumpet players. Upon reaching Monument Circle, the trumpet players stood with their trumpets lifted in every direction, facing East, West, North, and South. There was a quiet period where we stopped talking, praying, and singing. It was a time to be still before the Lord. And then, a declaration was made, and the trumpet players began to play two notes. Over and over, I heard them blowing those two notes, and when the people heard the sound, they instantly began to shout the praises of God with very loud voices. As this was happening, it seemed a major explosion occurred in the Spirit realm that brought down the strongholds of principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness. Then began a moving of God’s Spirit in His people and in the city that would send waves of revival fire throughout the land. People who had been held in bondage, oppression, or sin would be saved, healed, and delivered by the power of God. There would begin a great harvest of souls like the church had never seen in this city. Repentance would be in the hearts of the Christians for their apathy and complacent attitudes in their hearts. A true revival was underway, becoming known later as the “Great Indianapolis Revival.”

On July 30, 1988, we had this event, and the vision came to pass in front of our eyes. The decree the Lord had given me to make is of great importance still today. This was the declaration.


When I made this decree, the trumpets began to blow, the people started to shout the praises of God and the power, presence, and glory of God fell in downtown Indianapolis. It was like a massive explosion suddenly took place in the spirit realm that swept over all of us and ran down the streets. You could feel the essence of God’s glory and how the strongholds broke and darkness fled. People continued to worship Jesus and soak in His Glory.

People were falling out under the power of God, and over 200 people gave their lives to Christ during the altar call. Testimonies came in for several months of how people repented of their sins and called upon Jesus for salvation. Many others recommitted their lives to Jesus, while others were healed and delivered from drugs. Reports came in from people who said they fell on the sidewalk a block away and accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Others told how they heard the altar call while standing in a parking garage and fell to their knees under conviction of their sin, repented, and gave their lives to Jesus Christ.

For the next four years, we conducted Marches in multiple cities, including Terre Haute and Bloomfield, Indiana. We did week-long crusades and Marches in Detroit, Flint, Jackson, Michigan, and Tacoma, Washington. The message was the same, and the impact was the same. People gathered in one accord to lift up Jesus in their city, and God met them there. The decree was alive in every town or city we went to, and thousands were saved.

But thirty-five years later, the Lord has clearly shown me that the decree we made on July 30, 1988, was still in effect and very much alive in the spirit realm. That decree has continued to impact Indianapolis and Indiana as a whole. It has also had an impact on other states around us, especially Kentucky and Ohio. It’s not over. It’s just getting started. Let the Great Indianapolis Revival manifest! Let it sweep the whole state and the Midwest region and birth a new spiritual awakening like we have never seen before.

Love March 88  was a dress rehearsal for the Communion Encounters.