The Communion Encounter

Hosting The Presence of God As One
For centuries, God has used Communion Events, also known as Sacred Fairs and Communion Fairs, to bring revival and spiritual awakenings. This was especially true in the early 1700s before the American Revolutionary War and again in the Second Great Awakening from 1790 through the mid-1800s.
Learning communion history over the past centuries will enhance any believer. A deeper understanding of Communion from Scripture will also significantly elevate a believer's devotions. Communion brings greater awareness of God’s presence and a deeper intimacy with Jesus in a believer’s life.
The Communion Encounter events will be significant where we, as believers, gather in one accord to lift up Jesus over our region in the Love of God and for the Glory of Jesus. This is an ecumenical event for all believers regardless of denominational affiliations or non-denominational congregations. It is about Jesus Christ and not about our local congregations or ministries.
It is more like a no-name event where all believers come together to share in the communion of our Savior, to pray, and to worship Him while hosting His Presence and Glory! It is not an attempt to bring believers together in doctrinal agreement but rather in agreement that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior who shed His blood for humanity and whose body was given as our sacrifice. It is totally about the LAMB OF GOD!
It is about hosting His presence and Glory so that the lost will be saved and the backslidden will be restored. This is about moving beyond revival and into a community-wide spiritual awakening, with many people coming to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior and mobilizing the body of Christ in general! It’s all about Jesus Christ.