Communion Revival - An Encounter With Jesus. Power Up Ministries
Communion Revival - An Encounter With Jesus. Power Up Ministries

Evangelism Training – It’s More Than An Outreach

Every born-again believer is called to share the gospel with others, but very few do it because of fear, lack of knowledge, or confidence in themselves.

Some think the only way to evangelize is through street preaching and scheduled outreaches. I believe in and have done both, but not everyone is comfortable or called to that type of evangelism. So what do they do? Everyone should have a lifestyle of witnessing to others by simply offering to pray for them or to share their testimony and experience with the Lord. Anyone can do one-on-one witnessing in the marketplace at any time and in any place.

For the last several years, the Holy Spirit has been emphasizing witnessing or sharing the gospel with others in the marketplace, where we shop, eat, work, or go on vacation. We refer to this as “Lifestyle Evangelism,” and it becomes very evident in revival and awakenings as we can’t hold back the reality of what God is doing in our lives or the lives of others. There are ways to build your confidence from the Word and through proper evangelism training, but like prayer, we learn as we do, and we must trust the Holy Spirit to both lead us and give us the words to speak and to bring to our remembrance every Scripture we need for that moment and for that person.

We put a significant emphasis on helping people understand the message we must preach. It starts with the Love of God, moves to repentance, back to the Love of God in the message of the cross, to the goodness of God that leads them to repentance, and back to the Love of God who accepts them as they are; repentant sinners who want to give Him their hearts and then follow Him. There is no condemnation or judgment of them. We all need a Savior.

Prayer is the key to effective evangelism because it is in prayer that we develop an intimate relationship with Jesus. In prayer, we experience and carry a greater sense of His love. Our message is how much God loves the world, and when we spend time with Him in prayer, developing our intimacy with Him, our message will be tremendously powerful and effective. People want to be loved, and when we share the love of God with them from a place of intimacy with Him found in prayer, the Holy Spirit will touch their hearts.

Other critical components of our training include how to pray for the lost in your community, water baptism, proper follow-up with each new convert, discipleship, baptism of the Holy Spirit, using the gifts of the Spirit, and much more.

Many churches are unprepared for the harvest or equipped to do the necessary discipleship. We recognize that each church has different needs, so we welcome you to contact us and discuss your individual needs so we can tailor the training to meet your specific needs at this time. There is a lot of depth to our teaching on evangelism, so contact us today to learn more.