
As a Revivalist, Jay is committed to coming alongside Pastors and church leaders to bring revival and community-wide spiritual awakening for a great harvest of souls.
Many churches are not prepared for a harvest of souls that comes from revival or a community-wide awakening. Jay is prepared to help pastors and their congregations better prepare for the harvest and the discipleship that will be needed.
Our focus is to strengthen and equip believers to do the work of the ministry as stated in Ephesians 4:11-16. This includes various ways to evangelize the world with an emphasis on lifestyle evangelism built around a message of God’s love within the message of the cross. It includes various ways to disciple new believers and see them established as true followers of Jesus Christ and for the edification of the body of Christ in love.
A major focus of the ministry today is conducting area-wide Communion Encounter events as an ecumenical gathering of believers centered on Holy Communion and lifting up the Lord Jesus Christ as the center of focus. These events will have a major impact on the body of Christ and the community at large.
Contact the ministry to learn more details regarding how we can help your church and community.